Selasa, 12 April 2016

Dollhouse for Peaches Day 4 5

I thought I would throw in a few pics of the top of the dollhouse. Since the glue has set, Ive given all edges on all sides a 1/2" roundover radius. This will take achoice the sharp edges not meant for kids! Ive also spent alot of time sanding to 60 grit, then down to a 220 grit - smooth! The two dark marks you see on the top are part of the maple where it was joined at the factory. I tried to work around it but couldnt. Its ok though, since Peaches and her daughter will be spending a ton of time coloring this piece!Before I can put the top on, I have to make and fit the rails and styles. This is going to be done off site, in my Maumee shop. Ill be installing them on my next work day - photos to come!

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